Author: Sydney Boys High School Student Representative Council
SRC Minutes – Term 2 Week 8 – 18/06/18
Unfortunately, the mini-fair initially planned for Year 7 has been cancelled as of now, due to a lack of interest and time constraints. If the opportunity to run this does come again, we will look into organising the event.
Talent Quest will be held in early Term 3, with auditions in the first few weeks. Please start getting your acts ready over the holidays!
The SRC has gotten approval for bucket hats, so we will continue to work with the High Store on designs and price over the coming months.
The concern of having sheltered bus lines has been brought up to the SRC, with further discussion pending in the coming weeks.
SRC Minutes – Term 2 Week 5 (28/05/18)
Junior Dance is this Thursday 31st May (6pm to 9pm) at SGHS. Please see your Junior SRC Members to buy a ticket for $10. We highly recommend Juniors go for a fun, social night.
Students are reminded that there is a service on the School Portal/Moodle through which students can anonymously report any kind of discrimination or concerns they have with anything at school, including racism, bullying or anything suspicious regarding other students. The use of this service has been shown to be highly effective for the school, so please use it if required.
The SRC-run Ballot on the Student Portal regarding bucket hats is now up. Remember to vote for this if you wish to have bucket hats.
SRC Minutes – Term 2 Week 3 – 14/05/18
The SRC will be organising Junior Dance this term. Keep an eye out for further details coming from your SRC representatives.
SRC Minutes – Term 1 Week 8 – 19/03/18
The GPS Swimming Carnival is being held this Friday 23rd March at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC) at 6.30pm to 9pm. We encourage all students to attend and support the boys swimming. Award Scheme Points apply.
The SRC discussed the following matters at the recent School Council Meeting:
a) The school will contact transport authorities regarding the issue of bus lines in the morning from Central.
b) The Council has said that the Year 11 Sports Uniforms on Wednesday requires more responses from the students. Another ballot will come shortly.
The SRC will begin to be involved in Canteen Meetings to liaise with the Canteen over menu suggestions etc.
The SRC plans to hold a Ramen Day/Udon Day sometime in the future. More information will come at a later date.
A recent issue of the new sports shorts pockets being too small, meaning items fall out. The SRC will ask the High Store about this.
SRC Minutes – Term 1 Week 7 – 12/03/201
SRC Minutes – Term 1 Week 5 – 05/03/2018
SRC Minutes – Term 1 Week 4 – 19/02/2018
2018 Student Representative Council
The SRC for 2018:
Year 7:
Kaden Kuang, Felix Yi, Aayush Madan, Patrick Lee, Chandra Patel, Jason Sung
Year 8:
Yu Ming Lee, Vince Li, Joshua Suto, Junlong Liu
Year 9:
Jivan Naganathan, Mir Mushfique Ahmed, Marcus Dimitriades, Rhys Shariff
Year 10:
Yishan Shen, Ritchie Ah-koon, Alex Zhou, Ivan Liang
Year 11:
Ha Minh Nguyen, James Pham
Year 12:
Steven Li, Jonathan Meng, Rudraksh Ahi, Genting Lu
President: Ryan Jepson
Vice President: Edison Dorahy
Secretary: Ryan Borges
Tech: Lachlan Ho
SRC Canteen Food Survey Results
A total of 744 people voted.
The Results are below: