Minutes 10/10/16

This meeting at a glance: New SRC Executives, Year 12 Jerseys, Dates for 2017, Pizza Day 2017, Sydney High Bucket Hats, SRC Funds

New SRC Executives

Today was the first meeting under the new SRC leadership. The new positions are as follows

  • President- Jack Ralph
  • Vice President- Archie Fox
  • Secretary- Edmund Pan
  • Tech- Edison Dorahy

Year 12 Jerseys

Progress is underway to have the Year 12 Jerseys delivered by Winter 2017.

Dates for 2017

The Sydney Boys SRC will converse with the Sydney Girls SRC over the next few weeks to decide dates for Junior Dance, Talent Quest and Trivia Night.

Pizza Day 2017

Pizza Day was turned down last year but due to the great disappointment among the students and SRC we will attempt to have one this year instead.

Sydney High Bucket Hats

There has been requests to have a bucket hat introduced to the Sydney High official school uniform. The SRC will investigate this further and confirm if it will be feasible.

SRC Funds

The SRC has built up funds over the two years through fundraising events. Our first priority would be to spend this on a school-wide cashless card system. If this falls through, we will be searching for something else to spend this money on.

Minutes 15/8/16

This meeting at a glance: Trivia Night, Meeting with Dr Jaggar and 2017 Executive Elections

Trivia Night

Trivia Night is just 2 weeks away and most tables have been filled. There are only 2 SBHS tables yet to be filled so if you want to book one it is vital you do it ASAP. The table limit is very strict and we definitely cannot squeeze extra tables in, so if you miss out you will have to wait for next year.

Meeting with Dr Jaggar

Peter Pan, Roy Yi and Jack Ralph attended a meeting with Dr Jaggar last Thursday. The main topics discussed were Trivia Night, BYOD and Year 12 Jerseys, amongst other things. We were reminded that it is imperative we listen to the students of the school to ensure that any problems or issues can be solved either through the SRC or through the school council. Having said this, anyone with suggestions or complaints should speak to any SRC member or come to a meeting any Monday lunch in room 304.

2017 Executive Elections

The year 10 SRC members gave speeches for executive elections which will be taking place this week. The polls close on Friday and the results will be officially announced next Monday. The SRC secretary has already been selected and the result to this will also be officially announced next Monday.

Like us on facebook to get more information and updates!

Minutes 8/8/16

This meeting at a glance: Trivia Night, Year 12 Jerseys and Microwaves

Trivia Night

Trivia Night is approaching quickly. Out of the 12 tables allocated to Sydney Boys, 6 have been reserved or paid in full. There is high interest in the remaining tables so please return your forms and deposits quickly if you wish to participate.

Year 12 Jerseys

The SRC may not be able to deliver the year 12 jerseys as early as initially hoped, however they should still be available during Autumn 2017.


It has been suggested that the SRC purchase a bank of microwaves for the students to use. While this sounds like a good idea and would be useful for students, it may be difficult to do due to safety issues and finding a space to put them. Also, currently the only students with access to a microwave are the prefects and this scheme may be seen as taking away one of their privileges.

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Minutes 25/7/16

This meeting at a glance: Pizza Day, Leadership Talk, Leadership Assembly, More Toilet Complaints, Year 12 Jerseys

Pizza Day

Pizza day has unfortunately been cancelled due to it cutting into canteen profits. Sorry everyone.

Leadership Talk

There will be a lecture taking place on Monday 1st of August about male leadership and gender equality. The SRC will all be attending it and we encourage everyone else to come along!

Leadership Assembly

The SRC are chairing the student leadership assembly on the 2nd of September.

More Toilet Complaints

There have been even more complaints about the state of our school toilets: Broken and faulty doors seems to be the biggest issue. Maybe it would be possible for the school to upgrade the toilets with contributions from the SRC.

Year 12 Jerseys

The SRC are trying to get our Year 12 jerseys as soon as possible next year.  We aim to have them ready to be distributed no later than the end of Term 1 2017.

Like us on facebook to get more information and updates!

After-School Library Poll

Some people have had trouble voting in the after-school library poll. This is most likely due to being logged into a personal Gmail account, which then denies you access to the poll. The easiest way around this problem for Chrome users is to follow these steps.

  1. Open an incognito tab (Ctrl + Shift + N for Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS or ⌘ + Shift + N for Mac).
  2. Paste this link into your browser search bar. https://student.sbhs.net.au/ballots?election=209
  3. Log into your SBHS account with your ID number.
  4. Click ‘Access Survey’ and complete the poll.

Please complete the survey as it will help us gain support for the after-school library.
Thank you!


Minutes 30/5/16

This meeting at a glance: James Ruse Conference, After-School Library and Canteen Issues

SRC Conference

The James Ruse SRC Conference was held last Friday and we received insight on how the SRCs from other schools in Sydney are run. 

After-School Library 

The preliminary results for estimated usage of the after-school library are up. However with just over 100 poll responses we ask that more people participate so that we can better justify opening the library after school. Dr Jaggar has given the SRC enough funding for opening the library after school, if there is demand. At the moment the most likely day(s) would be Monday and/or Tuesday from 3:15 to 5:00pm.

Canteen Issues

It has been raised by several SRC members that too much our school canteen’s food is being bought by people who do not attend Sydney Boys. A variety of possible solutions to this problem are currently being considered.

More from the Sydney Boys SRC

Like us on facebook to get more information and updates!

Minutes 9/5/16

This meeting at a glance: New water filter, Talent quest auditions, Windbreakers, James Ruse Conference and Other business

New Water Filter

The new water filter is finally here and is situated next to 303. We are aiming to have a third water filter installed somewhere else around the school later this year.

Talent Quest Auditions

Talent quest auditions will be held in week 5 and 6 to prepare for the actual event on the last day of term. There is a time limit of 5 minutes per audition.

The current lunchtime audition timeslots are:

  • Thursday week 5
  • Tuesday week 6
  • Friday week 6

If you would like to organise an audition outside of these times, speak to any SRC member!


There has been some miscommunication with the windbreakers and they are reportedly only being sold to cross-country and rugby players.  Our original intention had been to have them available for all students and we are currently to pushing for them to be for everyone.

James Ruse Conference

Five SRC members will be attending the James Ruse SRC conference on Friday week 5.  This will allow us to gather new and fresh ideas to make the school better.

Other issues

  • The repainting of Basketball courts was brought up, but deemed unnecessary.
  • We are speaking to Jim to make sure there is a constant supply of soap in the toilets .
  • If students have any suggestions or complaints, please let any SRC know or come to a meeting!

Minutes 4/4/16

This meeting at a glance: Talent Quest, Windbreakers, Swimming Carnival, After-School Library, SRC Conference, Ramen Day and Other Issues.

Talent Quest

Talent Quest auditions are coming up and are going to be during the middle to Term 2 (after half yearlies) so anyone interested to audition will be able to prepare an act during the school holidays.

The Talent Quest is planned to be held on the last day of Term 2 as this is the only convenient time.


A lot of students have been asking the SRC for information about the new windbreaker that will be introduced to the high store. This is a short update: – The windbreaker will be available for purchase in the high store within the next few weeks of school. – The windbreaker is not so much of a windbreaker but can be classified as raincoat. This item will be allowed to be worn to school during wet and rainy days with school uniform. – The cost of the raincoat will be approximately $55. – The idea of having a second ‘windbreaker’ was initially intended for 1st and 2nd grade players however, due to the relatively small demand of stock, it would cost too much to have this windbreaker available, so the idea may not go through. However, this is subject to change. – More detailed information about the introduction of this item to the High Store will be in this week’s High Notes.

Swimming Carnival

A total of 180 students attended the AAGPS swimming carnival and the SRC will be working towards increasing numbers next year.

After-school Library

There is currently a poll on the student portal for after-school library for the seniors

SRC Conference

It looks like nobody will be attending the conference at Willoughby Girl’s High School because it is in the middle of the year 10/11 exam period so enough interest wasn’t generated.

Raman Day

The SRC are planning to have Ramen day on Week 2 of Term 3. This is a day where students can purchase Raman from the Canteen and profits will go towards making the School a better place.

Other issues around the School

  • The plant pots near the hall are falling apart
  • The paint near the High store is peeling off
  • If students have any suggestions or complaints, please let any SRC know or come to a meeting!

Minutes 21/3/16

Head of the River

This year a total of 260 students attended Head of the River with 180 students taking the school bus and the remaining 80 students taking public. Next year, we are aiming to obtain more school buses and our goal is to get more than 300 people attending Head of the River.


Junior Dance

Junior Dance is TODAY (Tuesday 22 March) from 6pm to 9pm at the SGHS hall. The tickets are $10 each. This year’s theme is blast to the past so get dressed up and be excited.

Minutes 14/3/16

Handball Courts

Due to issues with the current suggested location of the new handball courts, we will have to find a new location for them

List compilation

The SRC will begin compiling a list of anything that needs fixing or replacing around the school with suggestions from students. If you have any suggestions or complains, please talk to an SRC or anonymously message us.

Head of the River

Head of the river was a huge success for the rowers, however the spectator turnout was slightly disappointing as there were still spare seats on the buses. A higher turnout would have been good and hopefully that will be achieved next year.

GPS Swimming

Everyone is encouraged to go to GPS Swimming TOMORROW 18/3/16 at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. Award Scheme Points apply.