Minutes 7/3/16

After School Library

We have spoken to Dr Jaggar and he said that he needs a lot of support from the student body so there will be a poll circulating around soon about after school library. We would be able to run trial afternoons before we can implement a proper program.

Water Filter

Some students are illegitimately wasting time out of class and to compensate for this, another water filter is going to be implemented in the 300s building and possibly another water filter somewhere else in the school.

SRC Conference

We are considering having an SRC conference next term, where we invite SRC’s from other schools to generate ideas on how to improve the school. It is also possible that another school may host the event this year.

Minutes 29/2/16

Possible places for the water filter

Recently the SRC has received positive feedback for another water filter which we thought could situate in the 300’s building, replacing the sink in the corridor. Another possible location was the stairwell leading up to the Art rooms 

Head of the River

Head of the River posters are up and everyone is advised to hand back the permission slips as soon as possible as bus seats are limited.
The SRC is going to make an information sheet explaining on how to get to Head of the River (SIRC) through public transport. A reminder that full school uniform are to be worn on that day.

GPS Swimming Carnival

The GPS swimming carnival is going to be held on the 18th March at Sydney Aquatic Centre and everyone should attend to support the High swimmers. Award scheme points apply. 

Junior Dance

This year the Junior dance will be held on Tuesday 22nd March at the SGHS hall. SRC members will be selling tickets once they become available. This year’s theme will be Blast from the past, B.C.

Handball Courts

The SRC are going to extend the two handball courts on the flats outside the high store allowing more seniors to play handball during breaks.

Bee and Wasps

  • The beehive at the basketball courts is now gone.
  • The beehive on Anzac Parade will be not be a problem for much longer as in a few weeks as Centennial Parklands are going to be having construction in that area. 

Mosquitoes in the in the handball courts

There are concerns about mosquitoes in the handball courts but they should be gone after the summer season

Poll On School Uniform

There is a poll around on whether students should be allowed to wear sport uniform to get on the school buses. If lots of interest is shown, students could be allowed to wear their PE polo shirts on buses after Wednesday sport

Library Open After School

There have been interest in having the School Library or rooms free after school for study and the SRC are going to talk with the librarians to see if we can have the library still open after school.


The last time the 29th of February landed on a Monday was in 1988!

Minutes 22/2/16

Head Of The River – Saturday 12 March
The SRC are going to be making more posters to put up across the school to encourage students from all years to attend HOTR. Life at high passes by very fast so students should take every opportunity to participate in community events to foster high spirit. It is a great atmosphere and award scheme points apply. There will be notes given out in the following weeks.

Junior Dance
On the 22nd of March, there is the Junior Dance. This year the theme will be: Blast to the past. All juniors are encouraged to go.

Other Issues:

  • Fixing various broken toilet doors.
  • Finding a location for the new water filter. Outside room 504 seems most likely.
  • Speaking with Mr Dowdell to work on moving a scanner closer to room 103.
  • Providing more handball courts for seniors.
  • Photos of bee/wasp hives are going to be taken and are going to be sent to centennial parklands to combat the problem.
  • School council meetings are held every term and 2 SRC representatives will attend to provide a students point of view on issues around the school.
  • We strongly encourage all students to attend Head of the River.

SRC Minutes 17/2/16


  • Many suggestions came up on where to spend our money this year including installing air conditioning in certain rooms. However one air conditioner costs $2000 (not including the installation fees) which is not feasible this year so we decided our goal for this year is to install another water filter near the gym or near the canteen

  • The SRC will try to pursue early morning school buses at central for students that have morning class/ training, as there have been concerns with the overcrowded M50s in the morning
  • The SRC will try to get rid of the bees nest under the tree on the far side of Anzac Parade and the wasp nest on the flats on the basketball hoop next to the Gym
  • The SRC will try to fix the Rowing bus which keeps on breaking down




This term, there are two major events that are happening:

  • GPS head of the river is on the 12th of March and everyone is encouraged come to support the Sydney Boys High Rowers (award scheme points apply)

  • Junior Dance is on the 22nd of March and is a great way for Juniors to socialise with the Girl’s School

    Nap Room

    The reason that the Nap room is not feasible is because we asked each of the faculties if we could use any of their rooms and all of them said no to our proposal.

    These are the problems associated with the nap room:

          1. We need to first find a room
          2. We need to have teacher supervision during the lunch/recess time
          3. We need someone to clean the room after



    The windbreaker is currently being produced and will be ready in the High Store later this year.


    Issues with Scanners

    Ideas have come up to install scanners in the music rooms. However, Mr Dowdell has said previously that there are already scanners in 6 locations throughout the school and installing another one in the music room is not worthwhile


    The SRC have discussed about having the late slips available in the canteen area but the majority of students that are late will arrive from Cleveland St and the office scanners are there to cater for them.

  • 2016 SRC representatives

    The results are in for the 2016 SRC election. The students voted into the SRC this year are:

    Year 8
    HO Lachlan
    SHEN Yishan
    ZHANG Joshua
    ZHOU Alex

    Year 9
    BORGES Ryan
    DORAHY Edison
    JEPSON Ryan

    Year 10
    AHUJA Harjas
    FOX Archie
    NGUYEN Brandon
    PAN Edmund
    RALPH Jack (Website co-ordinator)

    Year 11
    LI Andrew
    LI Tony (Secretary)
    PAN Peter (President)
    TANG Wanyu
    YI Roy (Vice-President)

    Year 12
    JOSHI Advait
    MOFFAT Tully
    XIAO Calvin

    Minutes 2/11/15


    The SRC are looking into selling slushies next year during term 1. (Slushie day)

    We are still figuring out the ideal place to situate another water filter. Possibilities include opposite the current one or near the canteen.

    Minutes 26/10/15


    The dates for next year’s events are confirmed. The dates will be similar to the dates we have had this year.

    There will be a combined SRC meeting with the girl’s school in 2 weeks time

    There will SRC storage area/locker but due to the lack of space in the school, we will be possibly have to share with the CSC.


    New Water Filter

    There has been some proposals of another water filter situated at the school. The new water filter could possibly be situated in the canteen area


    Hand Sanitisers

    The SRC are going to implement hand sanitisers in the weights room for hygiene


    Ideas for next year 

    The SRC are trying to have more Raman days next year during the winter

    The SRC are striving for a slushy day next year during the summer, similar to Raman day except we will be selling slushies instead

    The SRC are discussing the possibility of a Games night(not monopoly) next year

    New 2016 SRC Executives

    The SRC Executives for 2016 are

    President – Peter Pan
    Vice President – Roy Yi
    Secretary – Tony Li

    Next year for Year 11, there will be 3 SRC spots open for election.

    Minutes 12/10/15

    New SRC Executives Election

    The SRC is currently in the process of determining the executive team for 2016. The results should be posted next week on the portal.

    Jack Ralph (Year 9) will be website coordinator for 2016


    New Initiative

    The SRC has raised substantial funds from its activities and we are open for suggestions as to how this should be spent to benefit the school. A few suggestions have been made by the SRC body itself, including replacing our school banner which went missing some time ago. Another suggestion would be the installation of an additional water filter near the gym, given the popularity of the current one in place near the hall. However, we would like your input so please don’t hesitate to talk to your SRC rep or come to one of our Monday meetings.

    Minutes 27/7/15

    New Sports Council Proposal

    The Sports Council has proposed to the School Council that Sports Development should have another training session, on an afternoon, morning, or Saturday.

    Currently, this is still in proposal stage with debate over this. This proposal is aimed at encouraging growth in numbers in GPS Sports, especially in Senior School.

    The SRC notes this as a Matter of School Importance, and has the Student representative on the School Council, Arthur Chao representing the student interests on the School Council. He has suggested that if this was to be implemented, that those doing a lot of other extracurricular activities, over x amount of hours per week would be exempt from this. Currently the SRC seek the students’ feedback on this matter.

    Talent Quest

    SRC of SGHS are persuading principal to change a period and go to talent quest

    There is a conflict between selling sausage/mufti day but should be fine

    Either no chairs at all for it/ or chairs for everyone otherwise there will be complaints