Category: Recent Updates
SRC Minutes – Term 2 Week 8 – 18/06/18
Unfortunately, the mini-fair initially planned for Year 7 has been cancelled as of now, due to a lack of interest and time constraints. If the opportunity to run this does come again, we will look into organising the event.
Talent Quest will be held in early Term 3, with auditions in the first few weeks. Please start getting your acts ready over the holidays!
The SRC has gotten approval for bucket hats, so we will continue to work with the High Store on designs and price over the coming months.
The concern of having sheltered bus lines has been brought up to the SRC, with further discussion pending in the coming weeks.
SRC Minutes 23/10/17
SRC Minutes – Monday Term 4 Week 3
SRC Minute 4/09/17
Trivia Night
- Will be held from 6-9pm on this Thursday.
- All SRC members are to be at the hall after school to help set up
- Pizzas will be handed out around 6:30pm
- There has been suggestions to source pizzas locally in order to increase the number of pizzas at a lower cost
School Fair
- There has been suggestions of holding a school fair primarily focused around juniors in order to increase interaction between the junior years
- This will consist of a range of activities and aid in fundraising for the school
- The SRC will discuss the idea over the following weeks.
SRC Minutes 28/08
Trivia Night
- The organisers for dietary requirement of pizzas and general distribution of pizzas will be Varun and Ryan Jepson
- Questions will be finalised and placed onto a PowerPoint within the next week in preparations for the Trivia Night
- Students are advised to pay for Trivia Night as soon as they can as there are limited spaces for tables within the school hall
Executive Members of SRC
- The President and Vice will be chosen over this week
- Ryan Borges has been assigned as the future secretary of the Student Representative Council
Canteen Food items
- A poll is up on the Student Representative Council Facebook Page in order to get more suggestions from students.
SRC Minutes 21/08/17
Trivia Night
- The Trivia Night’s publicity needs to be increased so that more seniors know about the event.
- The Trivia Night will run from 6-9pm on 7th September
Canteen Food
- There has been suggestions of Vietnamese Rolls to be placed into canteens
- The SRC will work to bring this towards the canteen over the coming weeks.
SRC Minutes 7/08/17
Canteen Food Items
The SRC is currently looking for suggestions for new food items in the canteen which are both easy to make and cost effective while also being in line with the new health food scheme. The boys have also raised that there should be more chicken wings and chicken fingers in the canteens.
Trivia Night
The questions for the night are to be done over the coming weeks.
The night will consist of around two and a half hours of questions with the other thirty minutes for marking, breaks and for the results.
School Council Meeting
Edison Dorahy and Joshua Zhang will be attending the school council meeting this month.
Trivia Night 2017 Registrations
Trivia Night 2017 is just around the corner! Table registrations have just opened so get in quick to avoid missing out. More information and registration documents are available at:
SRC Minutes 31/07/17
Hooks on the Doors
- The hooks will installed on the back of all the doors in the toilets over the coming weeks
Trivia Night
- Posters are to be made
- Documents will be published telling people how to sign up for the trivia night
- $150 dollars per table, 5 pizzas drinks and snacks
- Note down dietary requirements for names and table names as well to make it more efficient due to issues with changing of table names last year
SRC Minutes 26/06/17
Talent Quest
The Talent Quest will be going forward. The SRC will be distributing tickets over the week for 3 dollars.
There has been suggestions of installing more hooks on the back of the doors in the toilets for blazers and bags.
Bucket Hats
Harry Wu will now be investigating the possibilities of bucket hats to be incorporated into the school uniform.
Student Run Organisation Proposal
There has been a proposal for a STEM club where students will meet up in order to work and post updates about projects to submit to the google science fair.
Senior Sports Uniform Policy
The Senior Sports Uniform will be taken to the P & C for further opinions and at soonest will be incorporated in late term 3-4.
Water Filter
The water filter proposal has been approved from UTS and SRC will be looking into installation costs. UTS agreed to pay for the maintenance and electricity fees.